Asset Management

Asset Management

We offer our clients a truly open architecture ensuring the widest reach possible.

Our management is based on an active, dynamic and opportunistic strategy which is linked to an in-depth knowledge of financial markets.

We have developed in-house distinctive Global Macro Strategy which generates alpha in all market regimes. The underlying exposure of asset classes – FX, Liquid EM FX, Equity Index Futures and G5 Rates futures proves a hedging strategy in the investment portfolio.

Our asset management extends beyond the context of traditional liquid wealth to include Pre-IPO deals and exceptional alternative investments opportunities.

Our expertise is available either through our investment fund or by way of segregated investment mandates.

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Years of experience

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Customers helped

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WHY choose us

Affordable Financial Services

The Jupiter group was founded in 2008 to meet the financial needs of global entrepreneurs and sophisticated investors. From our offices in London, Dubai & Gibraltar, the uncompromising quality of our people ensures we deliver smarter decisions for your financial security and wealth. We believe the wealth management industry is ever changing and as an independent partner owned wealth manager Plurimi can guide you through today’s fast moving and constantly evolving financial markets and provide innovative and focused solutions to meet your specific requirements.
We pride ourselves on cultivating strong client relationships. At every point our end-goal is always the same: Through the consultative process of addressing and meeting our clients’ individual requirements, we are focused on providing the appropriate investment solutions and financial services they require.
We believe that staying close to our clients and ensuring we fully understand their demands and concerns is central to the successful delivery of our strategy.
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